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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Some babies do have two mommies, or two daddies


Prime Minister Harper has confirmed that he will re-open the equal marriage debate thereby contradicting a majority vote that was decided only last year! Not only has this issue already been discussed, debated, and voted on for far too long and at too much of an expense (your money, by-the-way!); but now Harper wants to re-open it because he wasn’t happy with the decision. Given the health crisis, the education crisis, the military “encounters” abroad, do you really want your taxes spent on this already-decided-upon “issue”?!

Please act to tell PM Harper that you (and two-thirds of the rest of Canada*) are against re-opening the equal marriage debate.

Canadians for Equal Marriage ( has drafted an e-petition that will be sent to the PM, the addition of your name to this e-petition will help convince the Prime Minister that he is wasting money and time on an issue that has already been decided. Simply click on SIGN THE PETITION. I also encourage you to forward this email to people who feel the same way you do.

Thank you.

* Environics polls – from November 29, 2005 and from January 24, 2006 – showed that two-thirds of Canadians are against re-opening the equal marriage debate. As well, a recent survey of Canada’s top executives revealed a strong consensus against re-opening the issue. |


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