Self Actualization
On a personal note, I very recently(2daysago) went outside with my dog Teaka for a walk in the rain. On this particular day, I chose not to look at my mail box thinking that, what the heck, the answers I look for will just plain and simply not be in my mailbox today. So off for a walk we went. Long story short, when I returned, I found that infact, the answer to my life long question was literally in the mailbox in a big brown enveloppe. I'm going to be a Midwife!! I received my acceptance letter to my chosen Midwifery school. In a few months, I will relocate to a new city and I will finaly be able to call myself a midwifery student. It's amazing to me. I've been involved academically for 3 years already and working as a doula and on midwifery related research, I've done a 300 hour practicum in midwifery and all this fantastic experience...It's just such a relief to finally make it in. Until then, I will continue with my doula clients and with research. This blog will most likely evolve through the 'becoming a midwife phases' and 'student midwife experiences' and so on. I'm loving this!
At 11:19 a.m.,
Melissa said…
Congratulations! Good luck with the new program. I'm sure we'll run into each other sometime soon then. It will be nice to put a face to the blog.
At 1:04 p.m.,
Birthyourway said…
Thanks Melissa! It feels wonderful to be on this path and following my passion. I am certain that we will meet at some point and it will be a lovely moment in time!
At 11:39 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
I hope one day to find some wonderful answer to my life in a brown envelope in the mailbox! Been working on the cyborg c/s questions... hard to answer some of them.
Again, congratulations! Looking forward to the evolution of your blog!
At 12:41 a.m.,
Birthyourway said…
Thanks K!
It's fun to share these moments and I'm excited to be able to share with my readers.I look forward to this evolution and anticipate the excitement and the stress of become something new and all the changes along the way. I'm happy that you're enjoying interacting in this cyber playground!! Looking forward to your insights too!
At 3:21 a.m.,
Pamela said…
congratulations! :)
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