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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

So how's the weather?

This fast and furious semester is winding down. I can count the days now, 10, until I can come down from the north. On my early morning drive to campus, I was struck by this awsome sight: a bright sun and two beams of rainbowy goodness on either side. Apparently they are called sun dogs. It was spectacular and it is still up there in the sky at the moment. Wow!
What else, it is -17 and the snow is knee deep and fluffy. We had a 4.1 Earthquake last week and an ice storm. I love it!! The way the intensity of the weather mimics the craziness that is school.


  • At 3:52 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow! That picture is just phenomenal!

  • At 7:20 p.m., Blogger Birthyourway said…

    Thanks! But I snuck it from google images. It was the one that looked closest to what I saw, except the beams I saw were larger. It was absolutely gorgeous though!!

  • At 9:02 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Google image or not...I am amazed! It reminds me of a baby crowning, or a large belly :)

    Wonderful blog, I just discovered yours, but apparently you had already discovered mine!

    Wonderful writing, and lovely to see a peek at the differences I might have faced in learning. I had also considered going North... :)


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