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Friday, October 06, 2006

The beauty of it all!

Despite the challenges, there have been moments of great inspiration ;) These are pictures of Georgian Bay. My very supportive partner and my sweet puppydog and I enjoyed a 3 hour hike out to the waters. The further away we got from the car, the more layers of doubt I shed. The beauty of these lakes and the's huge! To all the prospective midwifery students out there: Sudbury is so much more than an industrial town! If you enjoy the outdoors, this is the place to be.


  • At 7:47 p.m., Blogger Sunshine said…

    What amazing pictures and an amazing place! I feel the same about my adventure here in El Paso. It is not as industrial as people think. There is so much beauty here in the desert and in the rivers that run through. Wishing you as much beauty in the births that you attend.


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