
Welcome to Birthyourway's Blog. This space is intended to serve as an interactive site for Doula related stuff based in Ottawa and around the globe. The archive links on the right hand margin will help you identify topics of interest to you. Your pictures of real pregnant bodies- stretch marks and all- would be most appreciated as contributions. Share your birth stories, concerns and comments by submitting to

Friday, July 14, 2006

Love Blogger

Even though I don't get to blogging as much as I would like, I find myself thinking of things to share online at really random times. I often hesitate because I question the repercussions of my private life being open to the grand public. It's a bit of a feeling of being submissive to big brother and I read something about identity hacking a while back. In any case I still love blogger. And all the things you can do with it like this blog for example:


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